Wednesday, May 11, 2011

harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 trailer 2 official hd

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  • notabadname
    Apr 26, 02:27 PM
    For once, I'd like to see a pie chart that includes iPod Touch and iPad, which also run iOS. What's the Android device equivalent of the iPod touch?

    It was a subject of an earlier thread. Here is the original source. (

    And yes, iOS leads Android.

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  • meanmusic
    Sep 15, 04:36 PM
    2.16 and 2.33 Merom options
    Magnetic latch
    MacBook style keyboard
    New video card (Nvidia?)
    160GB hard drive option

    IMO, these are the least that Apple can do to keep up with other high performance notebooks in the market. I think new MBP's will arrive one the same day as Photokina although they may not be highlighted at the event.

    Please don't mess with the keyboard. The Macbook keyboard wouldn't suit the Macbook Pro.

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  • MacNut
    Aug 7, 02:12 PM
    Its about time they FINALLY hit 3ghz. This is a big step for Apple.

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  • hhaydenn
    Apr 25, 09:23 AM
    Hold up, so it's just that easy to get in touch with Steve Jobs? What's his email address!?

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 14, 01:48 PM
    This sewing circle uses sarcasm time-to-time.

    Well then ... sorry for the unwarranted needling. ;)

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  • steviem
    Nov 4, 04:55 PM
    Sophos is terrible on Windows; why would anyone want to install that garbage on their Mac? :confused:

    LOL, whatever you say chief!

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  • Abstract
    May 2, 10:30 PM
    $1.38 per litre for gas sounds cheaper ... Gas pricing may be the reason the US adopts the metric system

    And people sound less obese when stating their weight in kilograms. ;)

    People buy crack in grams, no? If they can get it, so can others.

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  • Tmelon
    Mar 30, 07:03 PM
    So developers...

    Any changes noticed yet?

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  • archipellago
    Apr 26, 04:42 PM
    I've been sitting on a **** windows mobile phone for about 2 years & decided to upgrade about 3 months ago & decided to wait for iphone5.

    I buy macbooks & I'm not a mid / late cycle buyer & don't mind waiting for something good.

    However Apple lost my custom today. All these stories about putting the release date back and rumors about a 'small' update.....

    I ain't hanging around to find out. Just ordered a Galaxy S II

    Android here i come.

    nice choice, its awesome.

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  • Michael Scrip
    Apr 26, 03:13 PM
    Deceptive Report... Let's not forget, Apple iOS encompasses more then just iPhones. If you included the iPad and iPod Touch which both run Apple iOS then Apple's market share is still ahead of Android.

    It's not *that" deceptive... they did include "US smartphone usage" in the headline.

    Here's why... Apple's smartphone is called "the iPhone"

    And then you've got "Android" which is a tons of phones from many manufacturers.

    When comparing smartphone numbers... it's the iPhone vs. many Android phones.

    You're right... if you wanna have a platform battle... iOS vs Android... you'd have to include iPods and iPads.

    But this is a comparison of phones...

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  • zero2dash
    Aug 7, 03:30 PM
    I'm excited but disappointed at the same time.

    It's nice to see some of the things they're incorporating into Leopard, and it's great to finally see a physical MacPro and read a spec sheet. You get a lot of processing power for the money, no doubt.

    On the flipside -
    the base video card is pretty meh. Additional HD options are ridiculously limited; you can only add 500g ones (no 250) for 2nd/3rd/4th HD. Base price on the dual 2.6 is..ok I guess. I join many others when I say I was hoping for lower cost but we'll see if they deliver a high end iMac with a Core 2 in the next few months.

    Congrats to all the early adopters; I'm envious. :)
    But I think the waiting game is best, even though it sucks. Then again I don't have the necessary funds so it's excusable. I'll be waiting til next year around the time Leopard launches I think and then I'll buy...mmm something. :D (Depends on what these are going for and also if we see any Core 2 iMacs.)

    All in all though, way to go've got yourself another customer. I can't wait to be able to use some of the new features in Leopard.

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  • Stella
    Apr 5, 02:18 PM
    Not really.

    JB is not illegal, its my right to JB my device. Sure, it voids your warranty - but thats a risk.

    Apple may say its illegal, but Apple's word does not override the law of the land.

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  • marksman
    Mar 29, 03:56 PM
    It is funny the same people who would have blasted Apple to the moon for doing something like this not only don't call Amazon out on it, but actually blame Apple for it.

    It is silly yet predictable.

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  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 7, 12:53 PM
    At this point I think a good question is what could RIM had done differently?

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  • tuna
    Mar 29, 09:51 AM
    I still don't get how this is better than Dropbox, hopefully it can compete with Dropbox though to make the service better.

    I am up to 7GB I believe of free storage on Dropbox too.

    And what's the point of having 5GB of data in the cloud if mobile data plans only allow you to download 2GB?

    I am so tired of hearing about this.... Do you think that when somebody makes a game for the Wii, 360 or PS3, that Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony don't make any money from it?

    Its a false analogy. Game systems are developed and marketed at a loss (at least for a while) and royalties on game sales help make up for it. This is how it has been historically.

    iOS is a computing platform. It is not the status quo for the OS developer to seek royalties from the software that runs on it. And further, iOS hardware is outrageously profitable in itself.

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  • nagromme
    Nov 26, 12:54 PM
    I want the smallest possible device that can run OS X apps--and maybe that means no keyboard. 12" is too big a screen, and laptops/convertibles are thicker because of the keyboard. An on-screen keyboard or stylus would still allow input, and I'd be able to work on a short notice without lugging my massive 15" laptop anymore! And when at home, client's office, friend's house, etc. I'd plug in a borrowed keyboard and/or display for better productivity.

    If home automation expands the market enough to bring me such a device, than good :)

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 6, 05:52 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    100,000 suckers. Samsung pulled off the same feat: Get whatever you can an then trash it.

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 15, 07:23 PM
    the only real fiasco they've had was that whole ipod video thing in march

    Looks like Apple made them get rid of all the pictures fake or not.

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  • MaxMike
    Dec 31, 02:07 PM
    I decided to give it a try and all it ever finds are little things that only can affect Windows :rolleyes:

    Apr 10, 07:55 AM
    Depending on how you solve it, your answer is either 288 or 2.

    Nothing is missing in the equation - no math symbol is missing between 2 and (9+3), so solve it as is.

    Now, cast your vote! :)

    What a thread.

    The premise is incorrect from the start - this is not a mathematical problem, it is a problem of noting a very simple formula using ASCII characters only, and deciding how that sequence of ASCII characters should be interpreted.

    The "PEMDAS" rule was quoted, which is apparently used to drill children in the USA and remove any inkling of mathematical talent from their tiny little brains. PEMDAS has nothing to do with mathematics. It is about interpretation of a textual representation of a formula.

    Someone went so far to ask "do you think you are more intelligent than a calculator"? What a stupid question. Even the most stupid poster here on this thread has an intelligence that is far superior to that of any calculator.

    When you write down a formula, it is essential to write it down in a way that doesn't leave room for interpretation, and in a way that survives the limitations of the medium involved. This wasn't done here. Whatever the original poster wrote went through some major textual manipulation. It went through a web browser, a "POST" command, was interpreted by the MacRumors server software, translated into HTML, and then displayed on my screen. There is no way for me or anyone else to know what the user actually posted. And to the majority of posters here, whatever rules are tought to children in the US school system don't apply.

    Trying to give an answer to the question is just stupid, when it is clear that nobody knows what the original poster actually meant when writing down the formula. It would have been very simple to either write (48/2) * (9+3) or 48 / (2 * (9 + 3)) where in each case there would have been agreement how to interpret this. That didn't happen; any attempt of interpreting the text as given is pointless.

    Apr 22, 12:24 PM
    Go back and read my post please...thoroughly.

    I am referring to the wider market. Sure, you manage 600+ Mac workstations. But on the grand scale of things, thats not worth anything to Apple.

    Put it this way:

    Why spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on redevelopment for an audience of, lets say 50,000 customers when you can spend the same amount on an audience of 1million+ customers. See my point? The server market for Apple is clearly not worth it. Yes, it sucks big time for people like yourself who rely on it, but at the end of the day Apple will focus on products that bring in cash, not products that break even at best.

    Have you ever heard the phrase "all your eggs in one basket"? Diversification at Apple is very needed at the moment. Half of their profit comes from the sale of one device. Say that the iPhone 6 was a flop, imagine having to tell your investors you're losing 50% projected profit nearly overnight. Something like that can crush a company. You want diversification, and apple has the resources currently to really invest in some fairly stable markets such as enterprise. Currently their inroads are IOS in the enterprise, if they can leverage that to sell servers for management it will feed back on itself and support more mutual growth between mac and iOS in these coveted markets. Apple should have struck harder in this area during the vista debacle, but their mac team brushed off the opportunity.

    A machine like this with dual purposes is a godsend for us. It means apple only needs production lines for one case, and we get a more flexible server and workstation in one. True hot swap bays on a mac?! F-yeah! I can convince my clients to hook up a rackmount mac pro server in their data center or server closet. LOM is nice, but I don't think it's going to be a make or break deal in most businesses. I don't see why it either couldn't be an optional module with the Server preconfig, or on all of them with the prices apple charges.

    The server market is the backbone of the business market. Macs will be niche in enterprise as long as the backbone isn't there, and stronger than last time.

    Apr 20, 02:06 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    What are you people doing to scratch your phones so much? I don't use a case with my iPhone 4, carry it in my pocket (sometimes with my car keys) and there's not a noticeable scratch on the front or back.

    Scratching isn't the issue, it's the shattering that happens when the phone is impacted. I watched an iPhone shatter on a drop of less than 3 feet onto a padded (industrial carpet) floor. I've had friends iPhones shatter from sliding off a table accidentally, being dropped when getting out of a car, and even one who had it with him at a concert and it shattered from the 100+ degree heat.

    This wouldn't be an issue if they'd simply recessed the glass into the bezel on the front and used something sensible on the back.

    There's a very good reason why nothing that needs to be durable is made out of glass.

    The complaint I was responding to was about scratches. Another poster claimed the glass would scratch if a hair was dropped on it. As for falling, so far mines only fallen once from my workbench onto a hardwood floor. It survived without shattering or getting scratched.

    Nov 26, 03:07 PM
    I would definitely buy a Tablet Mac. Well, I mean a laptop with a rotating touch screen.

    I would like it even more if it was smaller than the actual 13" MacBooks. I carry my laptop with me a lot, and light-weightness is important for me.

    Sep 16, 07:59 AM
    Now THAT's what I would like:

    "Since the release of the 15 inch MacBook Pro in January, speculation on the forthcoming Apple laptops is spreading throughout the net. Meanwhile, MacosXrumors has received a very unexpected report, providing information about one of the forthcoming MacBook Pros.

    The sources that can be qualified as �very reliable� (yes you read it well), are claiming that Apple plans to keep similar display size for its entry level Mac Book Pro by releasing what sources called an �ultra-thin 12 inch Mac Book Pro�."


    I would buy one on the same day.
    Thats some optimistic reading mister. Not VERY reliable, just reliable. And the report is not connected to the newest rumor, it's something they heard about earlier this year and they're unable to confirm that it applies to the 25th. Oh well, maybe you read another article than me?

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